Welcome to The Book Baby!

Hello and welcome to my humble blog! My name is Lindsay, and I am the Book Baby! A few years ago I created this blog on a whim as a way to track my reading and do some casual writing. Eventually, life got chaotic and The Book Baby disappeared into web-universe, never to be thought of again, until... Fast forward to Christmas Vacation 2018, and I once again find myself with time on my hands, a book on my bedside table, and skimming through some of my favorite blogs thinking "hmmm, I should get one of those..." So, the Book Baby is back! I'm starting over with a fresh slate, and hope to use this place to share good reads, reviews, and other fun lifestyle bits along the way.

A little about me: I'm a young professional in my early thirties (yes, I'm clarifying *early* thirties, I might be in denial about getting older), I live in the Phoenix area with my awesome boyfriend and my pug-child Rosco. I don't read nearly as much as I would like to, and I tend to read in spurts, but I've always loved escaping into a new book, and B&N is my happy place. My favorite genres are fiction and mystery/thriller, but I'm trying to read more non-fiction too. I have a weakness for film adaptations (unpopular opinion?), making lists, and reality TV.

I hope to find some awesome new bloggers to follow and share recommendations with. Please let me know you were here! Thanks for reading!



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