The Challenge with Reading Challenges

Does anyone else wish they loved reading challenges? Every year, I check out Pinterest and book blogs for reading challenges to take me into the new year, but I've never gone much beyond search mode. On paper, reading challenges and I are a perfect match. I love searching for new books. I love checking items off my list. I love anything remotely competitive. And of course, I love reading. So, where's the disconnect?

Reading challenges are intended to get you outside of your reading 'comfort zone' and sometimes simply to encourage you to read more. But whenever I skim through reading challenges, I find myself mentally trying to fit books that I already want to read into the challenge categories. Inevitably, there are several categories left over where nothing fits. A book about sports, a novella, a collection of essays, a retelling. That's where the 'challenge' sets in - having to seek out a book that fits a particular subject matter or genre, or sometimes a category that is completely arbitrary (a book with an animal on the cover! a book set in a country that starts with "Z"!). These are books that you otherwise might not have read, but are encouraged to do so as part of your quest to become a diversified reader. But if I'm being honest, when I see categories like this in a reading challenge, I move on. Which is why I've never completed (or even really started) a reading challenge.

Maybe as a book lover I'm not supposed to say this, but I think the reality is sometimes reading is the challenge. I've loved reading since I was really young, but I'm not exactly a voracious reader anymore. A lot of the time, I come home from work and crave mindless entertainment. I sometimes enjoy searching for new books on Goodreads more than actually reading them (am I alone in that?). I read almost exclusively on the weekends, at the nail salon, or on airplanes. So I'm not exactly whipping through books like there's no tomorrow.

This means I have to be selective. There are too many amazing books on my to-read list that need my attention to seek out a book that only somewhat interests me. When I read, I want to read a book I'm excited about. Most of the time, I'm reaching for a book recommended by a friend, or a bestseller, or a new release by a favorite author of mine. Sometimes, they fit a reading challenge. But many times, they do not. And while I definitely have room to diversify, I want to be drawn to the book I'm reading, rather than force it.

So, once again, I will not be participating in any reading challenges this year. Instead I'm going to set a few loose "goals" for my 2019 reading. I hope to challenge myself to read a bit more and a tad differently, but always with enjoyment. Happy reading!


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